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The River

acoustic folk/pop mix with poetry and improvised music
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In 2006 LILY KIARA put together a band which comprised of herself and musicians she respected. She wished to share her songs in concert with other musicians and a poet. She asked me to join and the first concert was in the Amsterdam Literary Festival. Since then The RIVER has been playing as a full band and at times in smaller formations or with guest musicians.

The RIVER plays THE SWIM SESSIONS was a mini series in three Amsterdam venues, De Roode Bioscoop, Plantage Dok and Bimhuis. These concerts were supported by the AFK. In December 2015 the first album The SWIM SESSIONS was released on Sibyl Sings. It was recorded live during a concert at the Bimhuis.

Since 2006 we have been playing in this line up with a range of work centred around the songs of Lily Kiara and my poems ....... aided and abetted by the musicians. The joy of this line up is that we tend to take the order and flow of the material in an improvised mode, naturally creating long lines of songs, music and poetry in the vane of a medley.


“The RIVER is exceptional. Because of the combination of music genres that mingle and at the same time also don’t mingle, but mostly very harmoniously live besides each other so it feels as if they mingle.” (translation from Dutch)
 – Peter Bruyn in frnkfrt.net

"Folk and contemporary improvisation are … drawn together in an unconventional way that always breaks expectations. Songs bubble up from the improvisation or vice versa; each time the river meanders in new directions making ‘The Swim Sessions’ as a whole as elusive as it is enchanting”. (translation from Dutch)
 – Erno Elsinga, jazzenzo.nl  

Felicity Provan - cornet, trumpet, vocals
Joost Buis - lap steel guitar, trombone
Lily Kiara - guitar, vocals, songs
Felicity Provan - cornet, trumpet, vocals
Julyen Hamilton - poems
Michael Moore - clarinet, saxophone
Michael Vatcher - percussion
With welcome and frequent guest:
Paul Pallesen- electric and acoustic guitar, banjo.